Saturday, December 20, 2014

Chillin' in the Kitchin'

Does anyone want a hippopotamus for Christmas?

I celebrated the end of my second week in my new job by spending most of the day cooking up holiday treats.

I started with a batch of fudge using some Lindt Supreme Dark chocolate in the standard marshmallow creme fudge recipe with chopped pecans.

I made the jam thumbprint cookies again this year as well. I used the cactus marmalade for a very dark "wish it were" green. But, I used raspberry jam instead of strawberry for the red this year.

These are basically a sugar drop cookie rolled in chopped walnuts with a little thumbprint depression for the jam.

I used the leftover walnuts from rolling the cookies to make regular chocolate chip cookies.

Then, I finished off with some gingerbread cutouts.

I'm seriously out of practice with cutout cookies. My daughter has the cookbook with the old recipe and the new recipe turned out way too soft and wet. After kneading an extra half cup of flour into the dough, I got the texture about right for the rest.

I thought about decorating them, but will probably just let the boys finish them off as is.

It's good to be back at work again. Unfortunately the first paycheck doesn't roll in till after Christmas.

Wish I could share some of the goodies with all my special friends online.

But I'll just wish you all a happy holiday and a very pleasant year in 2015!